Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Steelers' Season Approacing Bizarro World as Mendenhall is Suspended

Someone said that the ancient Mayans predicted the end of the world in 2012.  I am still under the Scrooge humbug mindset on the apocalypse coming December 21, but if you follow the 2012 Pittsburgh Steelers you might want to start working on that bucket list as things keep getting stranger by the day.  In a season riddled with drama, another chapter was written today as the Steelers announced that fallen star tailback turned pariah Rashard Mendenhall has been suspended for actions detrimental to the team.  The transgression was missing Sunday's game in which he was de-activated, said team sources. 

I'm not sure if those actions were any more detrimental than Mendenhall's latest bout with fumble-itus, but it's becoming increasingly clear that the tragedy numbered 34 is soon to be in the archives category of the Steelers library.

Again, this news is just the latest in a season long string of distractions that the Steelers have faced since training camp.  One can only hope that Tomlin and Co. can get this course corrected in a hurry, or we'll all be de-activated from NFL play come January...

 "you mean I have to attend the games even when I'm not playing???" 

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