Monday, December 3, 2012

Smug Is As Smug Does

What a great day to be a Steeler fan/Boardwalk Empire junkie.  Within just hours of witnessing Mike Tomlin snub Ravens' coach John Harbaugh, the biggest ass in football not named Belichick, we all got to tune in to HBO and SPOILER ALERT: see small screen bully Gyp Rosetti meet his ungoldy maker in the ending of another outstanding Boardwalk Empire season. 

Since this blog is devoted to sports, I can't comment much about the affairs of Enoch Thompson and the Atlantic City Boardwalk, other than saying that I can't wait until next season.  As far as Handshakegate, well, that's another matter altogether.  It amuses me immensely that Harbaugh, the man who simply defines the word smug, can find any slight in Tomlin's driveby handshake.  Harbaugh's arrogance seems limitless as he actually felt justified in demanding a proper handshake from a veteran, Superbowl winning - mind you, head coach. Harbaugh manages to add insult to injury following any Ravens' triumph, with both his gleeful antics or his condensing, patronizing comments. When you say things "the Steelers played their hearts out" or "the tougher team won", you should understand why the opposing coach would have a healthy dislike for you.

 Check out the Youtube clip.  It's going to be the talk of the week, although it really is much ado about nothing.

1 comment:

a-dawg said...

Both Harbaugh brothers are a little off IMHO.