Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Thank You, God (or Benevolent Creator, based upon your faith)

What a sports week this is shaping up to be. First off, the 96.953% world population majority that despises the Patriots can sleep well at night, knowing that they won't see this smug smiling face for at least a year...

Instead of comparing SB XXLII to SB III, in which a young New York gunslinger shocks the world in an epic upset, I would prefer to liken this masterpiece to that of Martha Stewart getting sent to prison. I downplay the Cinderella angle, and dwell on that twisted old man called Karma shoving his muddy boot into the face of the smug asshole. Yes, Sunday night was a wonderful event for all of us that believe in fate, or a god, or a higher order, or simply live south of New Haven, Connecticut.

For the record, my actual pick was New York 27, Team Perfection 23...although that was probably more heart than head.

Although I couldn't imagine a thicker layer of icing on this sweet cake (other than new Spygate allegations), I managed to get one. The Philadelphia Eagle community is, for some illogical reason, infuriated with the fact that the Giants won another Superbowl. After careful thought, we have concluded that Eagle fans will get infuriated when ANYONE wins a Superbowl (other than them). Good luck in 2008 all ye Iggle fans.

Next on the list of goodness was yesterday's press conference by the Battlin' Buccos. Surprisingly, the new regime did not annouce that they were signing another sub .500, 30's something, injury plagued pitcher to a minor league deal, as you might have expected. The press conference was simply to say that a deal had been struck to keep the team's best and most popular player, Freddy Sanchez, in town through 2010. (and yes, you Jason Bay lovers, Freddy is our best and most popular Bucco)

Freddy is actually jogging to the bank, not first base

Now that the team has a core of pitchers and a small nucleus of hitters all locked up...ok, I'll stop.

Last and certainly not least, all us Nittany Lion alum saw flashes of glory years this morning when we learned that Terrelle Pryor may be eyeing PSU a little closer. Word on the street is that GrandPa JoePa hitched the wagon and mosied on down to Jeanette with son Jay in tow, hell bent on smooth talking the young gun. All sarcasm aside, I imagine that a promise of no redshirting was the caveat that re-opened these negotiations. Division rivals Ohio State and Michigan are still in the mix,(Michigan is still the betting man's pick), but let's keep our blue and white fingers crossed.

Damn, does this guy look good in blue and white...


Anonymous said...

Funniest entry this year.

Anonymous said...

Eli should be a Steeler. Any word on Crosby?

Anonymous said...

PSU will see alot of Pryor. Once a year in a Wolverine uni!

Anonymous said...

I lost my shirt on the Super Bowl but I loved watching Belliceck lose.

Anonymous said...

Classic Belicheat sportsmanship...jogging off the field before the game was over.

I guess it is harder to win when you dont video tape the walk through.