Friday, May 15, 2009

Satan Returns from Hell

Now that the clamor is settling on the exploits of Mr. Wheaties box himself, aka, Sidney Crosby, how about a little love for the performances of the Penguins' Eastern European contingency? Geno Malkin, Sergei Gonchar, and Ruslan Fedotenko all have shown enough playoff prowess to bring a little twinkle to the eye of Comrade Lenin. How about everyone's favorite Slovakian, Miro Satan?
Let's face it, anyone named after the universe's greatest hell raiser must have some balls. Sure, the guy's got moxie, but how about the humility? After his disastrous play in the first half of the regular season, we gave Miro a snowball's chance in, yep, you guessed it, hell, to ever see the playoff roster. However, not two months after being released, then re-assigned to Wilkes-Barre (fittingly, Hell on Earth), then a healthy scratch for most of the opening weeks of the playoffs, Satan rose from the bench, like a bat out of Hades, and played some damn good hockey. I understand that the Lucifer cliches are almost used up here, but what the hell? This blog is free anyway.
Hey, Miro, guess I'll see you in hell!
Stuck between the Devil and the deep blue line


mp said...

That doesn't sound like a lot of let me change topics.

Before we get into the Conference Finals and are consumed with hockey, how about a look back at the Steelers? This is the whitehouse week, and I am sure you have all heard about how Mr. Harrison is not going to be there. Kinda funny if you ask me. When reading an article about it, I ran into this video of his 2008/09 highlights.

Cheers to you Mr. Harrison. You can tell Obama to piss off as far as I am concerned.

a-dawg said...

Perfect timing! Satan gets us rolling in Game 1. Just need Sid to turn up the heat a bit and we'll be OK.