Wow, PittsburghFan turning 50. What a year of milestones this has been: my 40th birthday, my 20th anniversary with the Army, and now my 50th post. I figured that there is no better way of ringing in this achievement than by chronicling the impressive ass whoop that Steeltown laid on the Texans yesterday. Make no mistake, Sunday's game definitely proved who is not the best NFL team in Texas. The Steelers pummeled the Texans with their typical early September rudeness, running their record to 6-0 in the last six openers.

Stapleton either plans on punting or he is expecting a side career as a Nazi re-enacter. Neither endeavor appears lucrative...

The glorious day started around 9:15 am when I, and the PF road crew hit the tailgating lot. Oh, for the record, Green 22 is the best kept secret in town on a game day.
the crew and friends enjoying some tail gate
completely blowing up the running lanes
now that's $7 million well spent!
Starks explains to Mean Joe why he makes more this season that Greene did for his entire Hall of Fame career

another long day in the books for the unselfish and hardworking crew at PittsburghFan
The Stillers played well - but we need to keep in mind the competition. I'd still like to see a few more games before making judgement on this year's squad. It does help that Brady went down - the Colts looked like crap and the Bolts were upset at home. For now - the Stillers' schedule looks pretty tough - but it may lighten up as the season goes on and teams struggle.
Excellent pictures. Who is the girl at the grill? Steelers 31, Browns 10.
it's this a home game only blog site?
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