I'm no doctor, but it looks like Ben may have swallowed a sock puppet.
The reports surrounding this injury have more inconsistencies than my eHarmony profile. (although I really wanted to be an astronaut). Every arm chair surgeon in Western PA has analyzed Ben's chart, only to reach the same conclusion: Ben will play on Sunday. I'm sure the drama will continue to unfold as we approach game day against the hated Philadelphia Iggles.

Neither hurt shoulder nor Hurricane Ike could stop Ben
In other health related news, my jersey jinx came through again, as I helped Brett Keisel to the training table with a calf injury. I should just stick with throwbacks.
A few more quick hitters from the weekend:
- Has anyone noticed that the Steelers first unit still hasn't yielded a TD yet?
- If Romeo Crennel is not on the hot seat yet, he will be after another pitiful coaching job like Sunday night.
- Is the PSU offense this lethal, or has the schedule been this pitiful?
- The Bucs go unnoticed in bringing down elusive win #63, once again guaranteeing a sub 100 loss season.
go Bucs!
All your dreams come true!
Management thinks that with 62 wins the city should love us! That would take the Stillers 4 years to accomplish.
Why doesnt this town get it?
State wins National Championship this year for the old man.
start wearing eagles jerseys...maybe westbrook
Ben will be in traction soon if the O line doesn't shape up. But this is what most fans expected when the season started. We need to keep in mind who we played in the first 2 weeks!
Better buckle up and pack a lunch - the Ravens are coming to town for a Monday night tilt!!
so I guess your bloggin again this week, eh? Thought so bucco britwat.
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