Lest we forget, Therrien's leadership style and strategies, although often in question, played a large role in the Pens memorable playoff run last year. Fare thee well, Mr. Therrien...

Monster.com or Careerbuilder.com, that is the question...
This is a site dedicated to the best sports fans in the universe...those that root for the Black and Gold. The blog is specifically for the followings of Pittsburgh's three major professional sports team: The Pirates, Steelers, and Penguins.
Monster.com or Careerbuilder.com, that is the question...
It is amazing that there is this much talent and their record is poo! In the 'Burgh, a lot of people are saying it is Shero's fault and that MT is the fall guy.
Shero is the one who let the "chemistry" guys leave in the off-season. Shero is the one who fell asleep at the wheel while Hossa walked. Shero is the one who couldn't find anyone to remotely replace Hossa.
Don't look for any big trades this year. I really think that the Pens are going to ride the season out and address their issues in the offseason. This is where Shero will earn his keep. Let's hope he knows what he is doing.
Agreed. Ryan Malone was a huge loss.
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