Sunday, March 28, 2010
A War Memorial
I am certainly not above this technique, as my most honored readers also hail from my circle of friends and family. Two notable friends, MP and A Dawg, as true Pittsburghers, have dazzled me over the years with their tales of following the Penguins during their youth. Perhaps the forgettable "pre-Mario" years, in which Pittsburgh hockey was pretty darn unknown anywhere east of Monroeville. Sure, everyone knew about the Steelers and Bucs, but when it came to hockey, us turnpike guys didn't know much, and cared even less. Although I can remember listening to some mid 80's Pens' games via the radio, and broadcaster extraordinaire, Mike Lange, my memories of that era are somewhat limited. My Penguins interest grew after 1984, like so many of us from outside the Steel City. Besides Mario, one of my first Penguins heroes was #44, Robbie Brown. A great shooter, but possibly the slowest skater on the planet.
Growing up outside of Johnstown, Pa, the world of the old Penguins was still somewhat distant, and honestly, unremarkable to me. I do, however, have professional hockey memories of my own...The Johnstown Jets. As I read today that the current Johnstown franchise, the Chiefs, were closing shop and moving South, I once again felt a certain piece of my youth slipping away.
Johnstown is a city of some dubious distinctions. Obviously, when a town's moniker is the "Flood City", it probably suggests that better vacation options are available. The Johnstown Jets/Wings/Red Wings/Chiefs legacy is one that the Flood City can stake a claim of pride with, and is definitely a piece of my family's western PA history. For those that may not know this, the movie Slapshot was filmed in Johnstown, and the fictitious Charlestown Chiefs were based on the mid 70's Johnstown Jets. The fabled Hanson Brothers were real dudes who were based on, and played by, the Carlson Brothers, all real players, who at one time laced it up for the Jets. A footnote will also state that one of the movie Hansons was actually played by Dave Hanson, also a real player and one of the few former Jets to see NHL ice time.
It wouldn't be right if I didn't point out that my very own mother, Marge Watterson, also starred in Slapshot. Ok, well maybe not star, per se, but she did show up every night as an extra in the arena scenes, shot in the Johnstown War Memorial, a drafty old oval barn with that permanently entrenched aromatic blend of beer and urine. The War Memorial was everything you'd expect in a minor league hockey venue circa 1977, and it made the Igloo look classier than PNC Park. At the time, my mom, like every other red blooded American woman, had a thing for Paul Newman, and hell, every extra in attandance was rewarded with free hot dogs and cocoa. The cocoa was a necessity because on any given January evening, the indoor temperature in the War Memorial hovered around 43 degrees, with a slight westerly breeze. Anyone who logged frigid nights at the War Memorial is more than prepared to sit in the Heinz Field stands for next year's Winter Classic. Another shout to my brother Wayne, who adorned his bedroom door with a Jets 1974-75 Lockhart Cup Champion decal. That decal is still on the door. The Jets generally sucked, but they did win that cup.
So maybe I can't boast of riding my bicycle to Penguins' games. Maybe I don't own anything from the blue and gold era. Nope, I can't tell you much about Rick Kehoe. I can, however, say that I have a little hockey lore of my own. Of course, until today, when I read the news of the demise of another Johnstown hockey team. Until the next J-Town franchise rises, I leave you with this nugget from the greatest hockey movie of all time. Matt Cooke eat your heart out...
Saturday, March 27, 2010
If the Facts Don't Fit, You Must Acquit
- Something went down between His Bigness and a local 20 year old female in or near a nightclub restroom.
- Certain anonymous witness(es) claim that someone in Ben's posse blocked the entrance to the bathroom.
- Apparently no DNA evidence will be extracted from Big Ben.
- Apparently no security video footage showing any misdoings is available.
- The investigating authorities have interviewed virtually every key person of the fateful night, with the exception of Ben.
- 22 days and counting, and still no charges filed.
Hmm, slam dunk, huh? Although this drama may not have yet reached the boiling point and national hype that previous cases involving guys like Michael Vick or Kobe Bryant have, this is still the most polarizing story engulfing sports fans in the Northeast. Just google the word Roethlisberger and you will find endless lists of links to articles that have all but concluded Ben's guilt as a rapist, not once, but twice. The term Rapistberger is plastered on blogs and websites throughout the country, and just last week Ben's infamy was chronicled in animation, as Southpark writers cashed in on the troubled QB's current predicament. Rumor has it that the cities of Baltimore, Cleveland, and Cincinnati are attempting to make March 5th an official holiday.
Of course, we can't forget the endless streams of stories, eyewitness accounts, and tall tales of Ben's boorish, rude, and el cheapo antics that have also inundated our computers and email inboxes over the past few weeks. How about the tales of Ben's debauchery told by a friend of a friend of a waiter's sister-in-law? We all know how Ben brazenly drove his Harley across the finely manacured greens of Sir Arnold Palmer's golf course. Or was he throwing dice with Arnie's caddies? I forget. How many more times do we need to see that picture of Ben, as a drunken rookie, posing with the hottie? That was the same picture that we all laughed at when we first saw 2005. That was the same picture that filled us a with a certain pride, much like a picture of the Stanley Cup in a swimming pool.
So, once again, 22 days into this shitstorm, where does it leave the player, the team, and the fanbase? Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. The blogosphere reminds us of that every day. The 'geniuses' out there, both credentialed media members and hacks like me, have offered nearly every possible scenario: Ben will be found guilty, Ben will never play in the NFL again, Ben will never play in Pittsburgh again, Ben will start this season under suspension, the NFL, in a blatant display of racism, will let Ben slide with a scolding simply because he's white, this whole thing will just blow over. You name it, it's been speculated. The key word - speculated.
Now I ask you, what has Ben actually done? Why is it taking so long to produce any conclusion? Is the Georgia Bureau of Investigation that overrun with criminal cases? After three plus weeks, the only fact that anyone can truly report is that Ben is accused of wrongdoing, and nothing more. If the girl claims a foul was committed, and there is physical evidence or eyewitness accounts of a crime, then why no charges? This isn't the Kennedy assassination we're talking about. Sources continually point out that NFL commish and enforcer, Roger Goodell, will take some form of punitive action against Roethlisberger, regardless of criminal findings. How? Why? Based on what? Accusations?
Regardless of the findings by the GBI, Ben's reputation is now tarnished, and he will be forever linked to this. The amount of tarnish will depend on how the investigation and potential legal process play out. We all know that #7 will rise again, and he will resume his career as a stellar NFL quarterback. I am not defending Ben. I think it's high time that he quarantine his reckless abandon and cavalier demeanor to the gridiron, and exercise more caution in his private life. I just want to point out that after nearly a month, this farce has left us with more questions than answers. The question at hand is when we will actually get some hint of closure on this?
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The Wise Old Michael Irvin
Heinz Field Showcasing New Benapalooza Apparel

- Milledgeville officials are now forecasting two to three weeks for the initial investigation to wrap up. After that, the decision of whether to pursue formal charges will be made.
- So the question has been raised: what happens if Randle El doesn't crack the top three wideout slots (which he probably won't), and he doesn't beat out Stefan Logan in the return game? Ed Bouchette raised an even more intriguing question: with all these receivers under contract, what happens if a super undervalued wideout slips in the draft? Do they pass him up, or draft him knowing that El or Battle will then most likely be cut?
- As the clock ticks, I continue to recalibrate my odds of a Fast Willie signing. As of press time, I'm saying 70/30 that the team extends a legitimate contract offer for FWP to return as a reserve.
- The word on the street is that Larry Foote should be seeing plenty of playing time in 2010. The potential to start over Farrior has been mentioned numerous times in last few days.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Ready for Some Foote-Ball?
- Thru the help of that news generator, aka, the internet, we now have learned that Ben is not only a rapist, but a racist, a sexist, an alcoholic, and above all else, a poor tipper! Oh, and he is despised by his team, and nearly the entire city. Certainly, within the next few days, some teen girl somewhere will link Ben to Al Qaeda.
- Was Randle El serious when he said that he will compete for the #3 wideout? Hmmm, did anyone tell him about Mike Wallace?
- With Fast Willie Parker's agent drumming up next to no interest in the former standout, one must consider if a bargain deal can be struck to return the aging thoroughbred to the Heinz Field stable.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
The Spending Spree
The most notable of all signings signifies the triumphant return of the speedy and once electrifying Antwaan Randle El. At this point in career, no one truly knows how much El still has in his tank, but you are hearing it here first, be prepared to see our very own JD McNugent squeezing himself back into his #82 jersey! With El and fellow newcomer Arnaz Battle joining an already solid receiving corps, the sun is most likely setting on the horrifically unremarkable tenure of Mr. Limas Sweed. Somewhere, just somewhere, superbusts Huey Richardson, Scott 'Panty' Shields, and Alonzo Jackson are all smiling inside. The new receivers bring the stable count to five capable wideouts, all with different attributes. Now, the question looms: who will be throwing to them in September?
Monday, March 8, 2010
Off On The Right Foote

As the World Turns
The Milledgeville incident, involving accusations of sexual assault against His Bigness, appears to have set a flame to the Pittsburgh media. Not sure if you all are following this as closely as me (I understand that you all have lives), but there seems to be some tit-for-tat banter going back and forth between Post Gazette writers Ron Cook and Bob Smizik. A few days ago, Cook, the writer with the poison pen, wrote a scathing essay about Ben's lack of judgement. This morning, Smizik, who apparently is not on Cook's Christmas card mailing list, posted an equally damning article, however, his wrath seemed to be directly aimed at Cook's criticism.
The latest Roethlisberger fiasco is attaining pure polarization, an effect that all medias dream of. While Steeler Nation is a proud family that honors it's numerous triumphs and embraces it's heroes, we are a group that will quickly garner criticism from all of our wanna-be neighbors. You can't walk around with tee shirts emblazoned with the likeness of a half dozen Lombardi Trophies without producing a little animosity along the way. Yeah, the "Got Six?" tee shirts do tend to piss some people off. For as much as us towel twirlers hope these accusations are false, I have to believe that Hater Nation would just love to see an arrest warrant bearing the name Roethlisberger.
Let's hope that the 4:00 pm press conference absolves Ben of any wrongdoing, and puts this latest installment of unnecessary drama to bed. If not, prepare for sweeps week...
Saturday, March 6, 2010
The Smoking Gun
Although everything is speculative at this point, the reports suggest that the Large One and his posse of oversized jocks were 'mingling' with a group of local hotties, and then at some point, something (and maybe someone) went down in the night club ladies' room. Again, this blog is not accusing Ben of any wrongdoing, but if he did, in fact, hook up with a local coed skank in a public ladies' room, as his legal team is still wading through the bullshit associated with the Tahoe incident, then it's time for the team to evaluate the cumulative damage of all those concussions that #7 has taken. Clearly, nothing short of brain damage, mixed with a dozen or so Grey Goose and cranberries, could explain such a horrific lack of judgement. This incident could simply prove that while Ben is not a criminal, he is a man who continues to display a lack of discretion.
Let's all hope this all blows over, with or without some go-away moolah from the Large One's wallet. My concern is that while Ben is supposed to be the torch bearer for a once squeaky clean organization, he is, at least in the public eye, steadily digressing into one of those meathead jocks that does what he wants, when he wants, at whatever cost. If the Tiger Woods booty call exposition showed us anything, it's that image does matter once an athlete reaches a certain status. America is becoming increasingly intolerant of the Charles Barkley philosophy of "I'm not a role model", and let's face it, Pittsburgh is still a small town with small town values. Between Ben's best imitations of Bill Clinton, the police blotter antics of clowns like Jeff Reed and Matt Spaeth, the drug possession by Santonio Holmes, and the domestic abuse incidents of James Harrison and (departed) Ced Wilson, the Steelers are starting to take on an unsavory resemblance to that team in Cincy that we constantly ridicule. But the Bungals are the criminals, and our men are the good guys, because they wear black and gold, right???
This latest drama could very well shape up as another situation of someone looking to cash in on an opportunity, however, should this develop into a criminal matter, the Rooney family could find themselves in another tight spot. Ben is the focal point of this organization, and probably the best player and drawing card the team has seen in 25+ years. If these accusations develop into charges, turning a blind eye, as was done with the Reed and Harrison situations, will once again garner the label of the double standard. The major difference between Ben and guys like Reed and Harrison is that Ben is the man...the leader of this franchise, and regardless of this outcome, he needs to start behaving like it.
For now, it's once again in the hands of those conducting the investigation. The reports out of Milledgeville seem to be mixed, and this Atlanta article takes on a flavor that Ben was just out having a good time. Time will only tell on this matter, but now I know for certain who the Steelers' franchise tag should go to, for his tireless work in the trenches...Big Ben's lawyer.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The Reed Press Conference
Monday, March 1, 2010
Don't Throw Trash At Our Kicker
Another Great Milestone

another lasting image
Think about Mario Lemieux, think about Wayne Gretzky, aka The Great One, think about all the other great ones that have laced it up and played their role as marketing saviors for the NHL and North American hockey in general. As you consider these guys and their amazing accomplishments for the game, both on and off the ice, now consider the select company that our very own Sid Crosby has placed himself in.
At the ripe old age of 22, Mr. Crosby has added an Olympic gold medal for his mantle place, next to his Ross and Hart trophies, probably right next to the scores of photos of him hoisting the 2009 Stanley Cup over his boyish head. Of course predecessors like Lemieux, Gretzky, and Yzerman were limited by Olympic rules that prevented their involvement until the latter stages of their careers, but give the kid his due. Crosby's heroic overtime goal in yesterday's gold medal game was another entry to his superhero resume, one that our northern neighbors place akin to our own Mount Rushmore athletes like Jordan or Montana. Let's not forget that hockey is to Canandians what baseball was once like to Americans, or what soccer is to most of the rest of the world.
Surely an American gold would have been great, and maybe as equally important as the fabled Miracle on Ice of 1980 (with perhaps slightly less drama), but make no mistake, Crosby's exploits are something that is great for a game that is, at least financially, dominated by the country on the southern side of the border. I can't think of a better time to be a hockey fan, nor a time when hockey had such a buzz, largely impart to Crosby's superstardom.
Of course, yesterday's achievement is not an individual effort, and the entire nation of Canada should be congratulated on this epic victory. For the NHL, the victory was just as large, due to the showcasing of their high profile stars, most importantly the kid who wears the C on his black and gold sweater.