1. The Steelers basically rule the football world
2. Large breasts are generally considered preferrable to small breasts (see below)

3. NFL commentators/analysts are a real pain in the ass
The NFL (and Steeler Nation) climbed out of hibernation Sunday Night with the Hall of Fame game. I didn't even have my first Lager opened before resident jackass, Chris Collinsworth, was annoying the shit out of me. Then I thought, who really is the most annoying NFL media guy?
Today I bring you the first ever "Shut the F Up" contest, a poll dedicated to finding the most hated of all the buffoons of the booth.
Honestly, I really find it shameful to watch six grown men in suits sitting around a counter and arguing about the game of football as if they were negotiating a major war spending bill. Hey Jimmy and Terry, it's not stem cell research, it's football. These guys have turned the NFL into a science, and frankly, these scientists are wrong more times than not. Flat out, the NFL Today type shows are my least favorite part of a Sunday.

You decide
I don't want to hog the list, but here are my TOP 5 Buffoons of the Booth
5. Deion Sanders - this guy sucks, flat out. The only thing more hideous than his suits are his comments.

Deion denied Jimmy Johnson's allegations that his suit was once a couch cover
4. Tom Jackson - they revere this moron like he's Gandhi. I'm pretty sure I'm done listening to TJ drop into low register and give that fatherly speach.
3. Shannon/Sterling Sharpe - I know this is probably starting to smell a bit racist, but it's not. Again, these guys are idiots. I did enjoy when EPN sat Sterling over in that little dunce table. Both of these numbskulls strengthen the theory 'good player make lousy analyst'.
2. Paul Maguire. Enough already. This guy annoyed me before he got fired from Sunday Night Football, now he just makes me sick. I always loved how Maquire would praise a play that didn't work. Truly a work of art.
1. Michael Irvin. Now I understand why the Eagles fans cheered when they thought he was paralyzed. If only his mouth could be paralyzed.
Please send me your lists of whom you want to see get the proverbial duct tape over the mouth...